Rich Text Editor

Use the rich text editor to create or edit task descriptions in the Work Orders and Procedures modules, and edit rules messages, with formatting options. Format headers, create lists and tables, display images, and more.

Formatting options

Use basic text style to format your text. Select the desired text and click:

  • Bold: Apply bold formatting.

  • Italic: Apply italic formatting.

  • Underline: Underline text.

  • Font size: Adjust the size of your text to Tiny, Small, Default, Big, and Huge to improve readability.

  • Font family: Change the font type to customize the look of your text.

  • Heading: Use headings to organize your content into sections. Select from different heading levels to create a hierarchical structure for better navigation.

  • Font color: Change the color of your text.

  • Font background color: Highlight your text with a background color for emphasis.

  • Source: View and edit the raw HTML of your text. It switches the editor to code view, giving you more control over formatting and structure.

Create lists

  1. In the rich text editor, click Show more items from the 3 dots menu.

  2. Choose:

    • Bullet list: Display text without implying any specific order.

    • Numbered list: Display text in a specific order or sequence.

  3. To add sub-levels, click Increase indent.

  4. To remove sub-levels, click Decrease indent.

  5. Click Save.

Insert tables

  1. In the rich text editor, click Show more items from the 3 dots menu.

  2. Select Insert table.

  3. Select the number of columns and rows.

Configure table

When you select a cell, you can configure:

  • Columns: Format a header column, select, create, and delete columns.

  • Rows: Format a header row, select, create, and delete rows.

  • Table properties: Define border style, color, and width, change the table background color, and configure alignment and dimensions.

  • Cell properties: Define border style, color, and width, change the cell background color, and configure alignment and dimensions.

  • Merge cells: Click the down arrow and choose an option to merge cells.

Insert images

  1. In the rich text editor, click Show more items from the 3 dots menu.

  2. Click Insert image via URL.

  3. Enter the image URL.

  4. Click Accept.

  5. Click Save.

To add images using the <img> HTML tag, click Source and enter the tag.

Current limitations

  • Carriage returns in tasks appear double-spaced because the editor cannot remove multiple <p> tags.
  • Smaller browser windows or wider list panes hide editor features in procedure and work order tasks.